More Able, Gifted & Talented

St George’s aims to provide for the needs of all students. It is important that the needs of the more able are recognised and strategies developed for their support and development. We recognise all round exceptional ability as well as students who are gifted or talented. The curriculum will take into account the needs of able, gifted and talented students through a range of approaches and the use of best practice. The pastoral needs of gifted and talented students will be recognised and supported by the school. As well as prioritising the need to provide challenge for able students within the classroom and to offer such students a fulfilling classroom experience, we also provide enrichment activities to support talented students.

General Rationale

St George’s Academy has a mission to provide an excellent education for all students. We strive to work in partnership with parents and the local community to prepare students to take an active and positive role in a technological society. We wish to develop innovative and effective teaching and learning methods that encourage the students to strive for excellence: the very best each individual can achieve. The Academy takes a lead role in providing the best resources for learning in the local community.


St George’s aims to provide for the individual needs of all students.

Therefore it is important that the needs of the Able, Gifted & Talented students should be recognised and strategies developed for their identification and support.

It is critical to recognise the existence of all round exceptional ability but we also acknowledge the greater number of students who are gifted in specific areas.

There should be flexible provision for students requiring enrichment and support in order to achieve their full potential and raise their aspirations and attainment by developing their:

  • Ability to learn
  • Range of knowledge
  • Core skills
  • Creativity
  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Specific talents

A variety of processes will enable individual Able, Gifted & Talented students to be identified.

The curriculum will take in to account the needs of Able, Gifted and Talented students through differentiation, extension, enrichment and acceleration, making use of all available expertise.

The pastoral needs of Gifted and talented students will be recognised and supported by the school.


Most Able students:

‘Our most able students are those whose functioning is at Least at the upper end or above that normally associated with that Key stage, and whose abilities are so well developed or so far in advance of their peer group, that we have to provide additional learning experiences which develop, enhance & extend their identified abilities.’ (taken from Gifted Education by David George)

  • Gifted learners are those who have abilities in one or more subjects in the statutory school curriculum other than art & design, music and physical education
  • Talented learners are those who have abilities in art & design, music, physical education or performing arts such as dance & drama

Definition from the Excellence in cities programme.

General overall approach

  • We have to create and maintain an up to date register of Able, Gifted & Talented students that all staff are aware of and act upon
  • Depts should meet the needs of the AG & T students through the most appropriate means available to them, such as differentiation, extension, enrichment and acceleration.
  • Depts should develop characteristics of AG & T students to help in identification
  • Stretching targets should be set & monitored (by individual teachers. The AG & T co-ordinator will have oversight of this)
  • A system of mentors is to be created to support the academic & wider needs of the AG & T student
  • Parental involvement needs to be developed

Identification and monitoring schemes

Identification will be undertaken using a minimum of two of the methods below:

  • Teacher nomination – please use the characteristics agreed within your Dept to assist in this  ( a standard pro-forma will be used for this)
  • Parental nomination ( a standard pro-forma will be used for this)
  • Feeder schools nominations for new Year 7 students
  • CAT information (mean score of >125
  • SAT information (predicted level 8)
  • Predicted GCSE grades (predicted A*)
  • Peer nomination
  • Extra curricular activities

This referral information will be submitted to the AG & T panel for discussion of admission onto the register. Students who are identified using one method from above may be underachieving and could require further investigation and support

Organisational responses

  • Faculties within the Academy set students according to ability
  • The Academy has an acceleration programme whereby the most able students can be entered early for exams.
  • The options system is very flexible allowing very personal timetables to be created for all students, including the AG & T

In-class approach

  • Agreement about the higher level skills we want able children to acquire should be reached at Department level and taught in lessons
  • High teacher expectations should be set
  • Clear outcomes both for task generally and for more able
  • Variety in types and nature of activities
  • A teacher/pupil relationship which encourages questions, personal reflection and the formulation of personal opinions
  • Balance between structure and opportunities for independence
  • Planned extension in all activities

The classroom quality standards for Gifted & Talented provision may prove a useful resource.

Out of class activities

An extensive enrichment programme has been developed to extend the classroom provision.

Personal and Social education

  • As part of the normal PSHE programme but supported with a mentoring programme
  • Involvement of parents

Responsibility for co-ordinating and monitoring progress

  • Individual class teachers are vital to monitoring & target setting. Underperformance of an AG & T student should initially be addressed within Departments. Continued underperformance should be communicated to the AG & T co-ordinator, which may trigger the involvement of a mentor.
  • Mentors will discuss targets, review progress, discuss academic and wider issues. They will also communicate relevant issues to the G & T co-ordinator
  • Co-ordinator will have oversight of this process, checking progress towards academic targets

Process for review and development

  • Targets will be set using the IA system. Staff should alert the AG & T co-ordinator of any sustained underperformance
  • Working party will meet to
    • discuss and review AG & T provision
    • Review and update the AG & T register
    • Discuss & develop teaching & learning strategies & resources for the AG & T

Use of outside agencies for training, provision etc

All available expertise will be involved to enhance the provision for AG & T students.